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Dean P

Lessons from Samson in recovery

By Trent P

Surely we have all heard the Sunday school stories, countless lessons, and enumerable amounts of sermons preached on Samson. As a child he was my favorite bible character, but as an adult I think he can be used as a warning for those living with some form of righteousness but remaining in sin. Through out Samson’s life he would fall from his nazarite vow, a vow of separation, but throughout his life because he would go back and do good acts/deeds for the children of Israel he would never reconsecrate himself to God by cutting off his hair, offering a sacrifice, or even stopping to recognize God as his strength.

By the end of his story he had let his lust, pride, and self confidence dominate his whole persona. He was married once but lost her, he then chose to be with Delilah, eventually this would be his true destruction as he would tell her that his power came from his long hair. He had forgotten his true strength came from God, because of a vow he was to keep with God, but instead he kept pushing, and pushing the boundaries until God left Samson to lay in the bed he had made.

Because of Samsons actions, he not only ruined his marriage, his ministry as a judge, he lost his sense of sight, but through these circumstances he was forced to turn back to God for His strength, and for the help to win one last battle. I believe that Samson should have been better, we should look to him like we do Samuel, Nathan, Paul, and many others that lived their lives for God. But in recovery we should never forget where our strength comes from, we should never say (I’ve got this) (this isn’t too bad if God is still using me) Let us be the better Samson, maybe we won’t defeat whole armies of philistines but we can shake hell with the way we live our lives!

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